Ana Raquel Salgado
Trainee Lawyer

Ana Raquel Salgado is a trainee lawyer at Dower Law Firm, practising mainly in the corporate area.
Ana Raquel Salgado


Ana Raquel Salgado has been a Trainee Lawyer at Dower Law Firm since December 2022, where she works mainly in the Corporate area.

She graduated in Law from the "Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra" (2021).

Masters student in Corporate and Business Law at the "Escola do Porto" of the "Universidade Católica Portuguesa".

As part of her master's programme, she has also taken the following seminars: Sports Companies, Accidents at Work and Tax Enforcement.

She also completed the Specialisation Course in Consumer Law, organised by the "Centro de Direito do Consumo" of "Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra".

In addition:

  • Training as an Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker or Reinsurance Mediator - Life and Non-Life, by the Portuguese Insurers' Association;
  • Training in the Markets and Financial Instruments Directive II - Provision of Information, by the Banking Training Institute.
Ana Raquel Salgado

Practice Areas


Portuguese and English