Diana Albuquerque Laezza

Diana Albuquerque Laezza is an associate at Dower Law Firm, practicing mainly in the Public Law area.
Diana Albuquerque Laezza


Diana Albuquerque Laezza joined Dower Law Firm in 2024, where she works mainly in the Public Law area.

She has a law degree from the "Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto" and a master's degree in Civil Law from the same institution, having presented her thesis on "The Effects of the Invalidity of the Surrogacy Contract on the Assessment of Parentality".

She became a member of the Administrative Law Association in 2023, and has attended various training courses, including the Specialization Course in Public Procurement, given by "ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa", and the 2nd Public Procurement Congress.

Diana Albuquerque Laezza

Practice Areas


Portuguese, English and French