What to do if you're the target of credit card fraud?
in Dinheiro Vivo
30 Jul 2024

What to do if you're the target of credit card fraud?

What to do if you're the target of credit card fraud?

Asking for the card to be cancelled and reporting the crime to the Public Prosecutor's Office are some of the recommended steps.


If you suspect that you have been the victim of online or credit card fraud, you should immediately contact your bank and ask for your home banking credentials and/or credit card to be cancelled.


You should then - preferably with legal advice - report the offence to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Even if you don't know the perpetrator, you can still file a complaint against strangers. All available data and information must be communicated.

The fraud situation should be reported to the bank.

Proof of the criminal complaint must be attached to this report.


A written request should be made for the bank to take responsibility for the money that has been lost.

The bank customer should also keep all relevant documents and information about the case.They must also be able to demonstrate that:


  1. They have not given their platform access to any third party;
  2. You have not lost your credit card (without reporting it lost or requesting its cancellation).
  3. He endeavoured to report the situation as soon as he became aware of it to the bank.

The law protects bank customers who are victims of fraud, and the bank can be held responsible for lost money.


To this end, given the often evasive attitude of the credit institution, it is important that the bank customer keeps all these elements so that, if necessary, they can take legal action against the credit institution.