Which areas are eligible for support and mitigation measures following the rural fires?
The specific areas are detailed in Council of Ministers Resolution No. 130-A/2024, dated September 27 (Available at: https://diariodarepublica.pt/dr/detalhe/resolucao-conselho-ministros/130-a-2024-889312084);
What support measures have been implemented?
The government has implemented a comprehensive range of support measures, including:
- Healthcare support
- Financial assistance for affected families and businesses
- Agricultural support
- Tax relief
- Social services support
- Job creation initiatives
- Housing assistance
- Infrastructure repair and reconstruction
- Ecosystem restoration
Who is responsible for distributing the aid?
- The regional coordination and development commissions are primarily responsible, with additional support from specific entities.
What expenses are eligible for reimbursement?
- Costs incurred after September 15, 2024, provided they are properly documented.
When is the application deadline?
How to apply?
- Application forms are available at local municipal offices.
Note: These are just two examples. The best translation will depend on the specific context and the target audience.
What are the eligible expenses?
- Expenses incurred from September 15, 2024, as long as they are properly documented with an invoice or a duly validated estimate by the territorially competent Regional Coordination and Development Commission.
Exceptional public procurement measures
To what are these measures applicable?
- Direct award and prior consultation procedures aimed at forming cotracts for public works, leasing or acquisition of movable goods, and acquisition of services related to the damages caused by rural fires.
To which public procurement procedures do they apply?
- Direct and indirect State administration, including the public business sector;
- Municipalities.