Intellectual property and sustainable development: a celebration.
in Marketeer
29 Apr 2024

Intellectual property and sustainable development: a celebration.

Intellectual property and sustainable development: a celebration.

The protection of intellectual property mirrors the protection of the core of human activity (and perhaps not only) with a view to the development of society.


It is, in fact, a catalyst for cultural, economic and social growth, which contributes to the growth and progress of a more sustainable society.

Celebrated every 26 April, Intellectual Property Day is the perfect pretext to remember its fundamental role in the proper and sustained development of the community.

Intellectual rights encompass, from the outset, the protection of copyright and related rights and, from an industrial perspective, the protection of innovation through the granting of patents for inventions, utility models, models and designs; and the protection of distinctive trade signs (trademarks, logos, trade names, designations of origin and geographical indications, rewards and domain names).

Intellectual property is designed to protect human creation (artistic, technical innovation or business differentiation), its effects and utilities.

From one point of view, these rights allow the entrepreneurial substratum of states to clearly distinguish themselves and assert themselves on the market, which contributes to their growth, income and value.

From another point of view, the protection afforded by these rights makes it possible to safeguard and finance innovation, which in turn fosters progress and security.

It can also be said that intellectual rights support not only the protection, but also the sharing of knowledge and cultural, technical and scientific progress, which takes place in its various forms and media.

Based on these demonstrations and effects, it can be said that these rights generate not only income, but can also generate opportunities for states, companies and individual citizens: they can be the basis and foundation for a collectively better life.

In this vein, based on the assumption that development generates growth and that, in turn, growth generates opportunities, intellectual rights could be one of the main focuses of social sustainability.

In addition, demonstrations of thinking, which are also protected by these rights, open the door to imagination, inventiveness and knowledge to the public, allowing everyone to do what seems to be forgotten: dream, create, present and be.

To this end, exclusive rights to exploit and use protected goods are created, giving their creator or owner the respective monopoly.

At this point, it seems axiomatic to conclude that intellectual rights are perhaps the greatest wealth of individuals, companies and even states, but unfortunately, as far as we are concerned, they are underutilised.

Thus, the solutions that intellectual property law brings us ensure the best link between the protection of the individual and society, allowing for its sustainable and critical development. It is therefore important to share knowledge about intellectual rights: what they are, how to protect them and how to benefit from them.


We invite you to celebrate Intellectual Property Day.