

Dower has its own sustainability journey. We are firmly aligned with policies of social and environmental responsibility.

We all have a critical role to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

More than announcing policies, we want to put them into practice.

We are aware of and have assimilated the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations member states. We have not given up on the priorities and aspirations of global sustainable development, seeking to mobilize efforts around a set of common goals and targets.

Faced with the deterioration of the biosphere and the climate crisis we are witnessing, Dower is making its symbolic contribution.

We want to move from "should be" to "will be" and this can only be achieved with measures that can be scrutinized by our stakeholders. We are willing to have our contribution to the environmental footprint scrutinized by everyone. We know that there is no real change without a willingness to listen, change and be held accountable for our actions and omissions. And in what way? We will be accountable and make our energy consumption available.

As an illustration of this commitment, we will provide an energy meter that everyone can see in public and on which we will share our energy consumption on a monthly basis. Internally, we will challenge ourselves to reduce this consumption as much as possible and we will institute sustainability and environmental education policies.

Faced with the deterioration of the biosphere and the climate crisis we are witnessing, Dower is making its symbolic contribution.

We promote policies and implement environmental reforestation programs internally and among the student community - seed your future.

We believe that investing in environmental training is the key to exploring environmental problems and involving society in resolving practical solutions and adopting measures that promote sustainability, giving its recipients the necessary skills to make informed and responsible decisions.

Footprint Counter

At Dower we have our sustainability journey. We are aligned with social and environmental responsibility policies. We have a critical role in achieving Sustainable Development goals. More than announcing, we want to practice them. Faced with the climate crisis we are witnessing, Dower makes its contribution. We promote policies and implementation of environmental reforestation programs. We want to be the change. Earth can´t wait.

L/Total (Accumulated)
L/Colaborator (Accumulated)
kWh/Total (Accumulated)
kWh/Colaborator (Accumulated)
Kg/Total (Accumulated)
Kg/Colaborator (Accumulated)
Kg/Total (Accumulated)
Kg/Colaborator (Accumulated)
We want to be vectors of change

We want to be vectors of change